Disability Insurance
Disabled Adult Child (DAC) benefits are a type of Title II Social Security Disability benefit available to disabled individuals who are the adult children of Social Security beneficiaries who are unable to work due to their disabilities.
Setting the (Medical) Record Straight An applicant for Social Security Disability Benefits is chained to his medical records like a sailor is to his ship. And, as a sailor must work to keep all aspects of a vessel “ship shape,” an applicant for Social Security Disability Benefits is due to take steps to make his…
And here lies the worst part of Federal Court review of your ERISA LTD claim. If the Federal Judge agrees with us that you are disabled and the insurer was wrong in finding otherwise, YOU STILL DON’T WIN!
What should you do if you become disabled and unable work? For most people, the first step is to file for Social Security Disability. However, you may have additional options such as short-term and/or long-term disability insurance (STD and LTD, respectively) through your employer. This blog is designed to provide you with an overview of…